St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is committed to reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. The school has developed a Sustainability Policy to address the impacts and outline the measure it will take to reduce its environmental footprint and promote sustainability throughout the community. As a Catholic school, we recognise our shared responsibility to care for the environment. Inspired by our mission of stewardship, as emphasised in Laudato Si', we are dedicated to promoting a deep respect for all of creation. We believe that education is essential in empowering our community to protect and sustain the environment for future generations. St. Mary’s has achieved Level 2 with Catholic Earthcare Schools accreditation. It participates in network meetings each term to learn about other opportunities for the school and the local environment. St. Mary’s has made a long-term commitment to waste management participating in Rockhampton Regional Council's Recycling Hero program. Annual waste audits and education sessions are completed with Council waste educators to ensure our school community is continually aiming for improvement. In 2024, we proudly hosted our first annual “Laudato Si” Expo, a school-wide event designed to showcase our commitment to environmental stewardship and promote sustainable practices within our community. The expo brought together students, staff, parents, and local organisations to celebrate and learn about the ways we can collectively care for our Common Home, as inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si'. Our Earthcare student group is a driving force behind many of our sustainability initiatives. Meeting weekly, this passionate group of students collaborates to develop and implement a range of projects that promote environmental awareness and action. The group is dedicated to addressing ecological challenges and finding creative ways to reduce our school’s environmental footprint. Throughout the year, our students engage in various sustainability projects, including recycling programs, waste reduction campaigns, native plant gardening, and clean-up events. These hands-on activities provide students with the opportunity to learn about environmental issues and take meaningful action. Through our efforts, we aim not only to care for the earth but also to instil a lifelong sense of responsibility for creation in every student. These initiatives reflect our school’s commitment to living out our faith by caring for the world around us, working together as a community to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.